Limak International Hotels & Resorts commits to playing an active role in fostering a sustainable understanding that aligns with our global objectives, firmly believing that sustainable development and progress are only possible through the active participation of all stakeholders. In all collaborations, the preservation of our brand values and principles serves as the foundation, starting with our business partners and all stakeholders. In this regard, we ensure that all stakeholders affected or potentially affected by our activities (including our employees, business partners, guests, visitors, subcontractors, suppliers, governmental and other authorities, neighboring businesses, non-governmental organizations, public institutions and organizations, media, etc.) are accurately informed about our activities. Additionally, we enable them to contribute to decision-making through consultation or participation in decisions that concern them. The objectives of stakeholder engagement are outlined below:
Ensure a technically and culturally appropriate approach to guarantee accurate communication with all key stakeholders.
Guarantee that sufficient and timely information about activities and their potential positive or negative impacts on stakeholders is shared.
Provide stakeholders with ample opportunities to express their opinions and concerns at all stages of the lifecycle of the relevant activity.
Build a positive working relationship with stakeholders.
The fundamental principles that Limak International Hotels & Resorts has adopted for effective stakeholder engagement are as follows:
Providing easily understandable and target group-specific formatted, linguistically appropriate information,
Providing information prior to consultation activities and before decision-making,
Providing information to stakeholders in an easily accessible and culturally appropriate manner,
Respecting local traditions, languages, and decision-making processes,
Establishing a two-way dialogue that offers both parties the opportunity to exchange opinions and information, listen, hear their concerns, and address them,
Ensuring the representation of all opinions, including those from age, gender, sensitive, and/or minority groups,
Establishing open mechanisms to address stakeholder concerns, suggestions, and/or complaints, as well as providing feedback at every stage.
All stakeholders are provided with the opportunity to submit written and/or verbal suggestions or complaints if they believe that the activities have positive or negative impacts on society, the environment, or quality of life. All suggestions or complaints submitted by stakeholders are recorded and evaluated in accordance with the principles of confidentiality. By taking the necessary actions, solutions are implemented, and feedback is provided to the concerned parties.