Corporate Equality Policy


  • Limak International Hotels & Resorts is guided in its business practices and relationships by the protection of our employees' human rights and the principle of non-discrimination based on gender, age, race, religion, or similar characteristics. We guarantee equal treatment of women and men in behavior and opportunities. Additionally, we implement active measures to eliminate the inequalities observed within the company and society regarding access to resources and opportunities between women and men.

  • The company primarily aligns itself with the United Nations Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW), the international agreements to which Turkey is a party, the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) principles signed by our company, as well as the Women’s Empowerment Principles (WEPs), the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs), and the objectives, principles, and regulations established in national legislation when promoting gender equality and the economic empowerment of women. Within this framework, the company continuously strives to further develop its culture and practices, particularly in the context of the following equality objectives.

  • As limak International Hotels & Resorts, we commit to the following points:

  • Fair and effective implementation of a performance-based compensation policy that is free from any discriminatory approaches.
  • The effective prohibition of discrimination in all processes, including HR practices such as hiring, building working relationships, performance evaluation, training, and promotion.
  • Support for the placement of women in key positions at middle and higher management levels.
  • Ensuring work-life balance and supporting positive approaches such as paternity by evenly distributing unpaid housework between women and men.
  • Supporting the reintegration of female employees after childbirth and preventing potential career losses.
  • Implementing measures to represent women in traditionally male-dominated professions, activities, and industries, as well as to increase the presence of men in traditionally femaledominated professions, activities, and industries.
  • Preventing any violations of sexual integrity and violence in the workplace.
  • Using language that is free from gender stereotypes and contributes to overcoming inequalities within and outside the company.
  • Designing the work environment and facilities so that women and men can be equally present, and committing to support goals for integrating a gender equality perspective in new applications throughout the business world and society.
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