Human Resources Policy


Our vision, mission, competencies, and ethical values are interwoven. It is based on the principles of change and transformation, as well as a participatory and value-creating approach to human resource management.

The goal is to provide employees with a work environment that, within the framework of the company's equal opportunity policy, supports societal gender equality and creates a fair, transparent, efficient, sustainable, healthy, and development-oriented work environment. This aims to foster awareness among each employee. Within the framework of equality and inclusion principles, discriminatory elements based on gender, age, marital status, religion, language, ethnic origin, pregnancy, or their potential in all individual characteristics, as well as in disciplinary actions such as physical punishment, physical/psychological pressure, insults, and mistreatment that could impair human dignity, are consistently rejected. In all written and oral communications within and outside the company, gender-oriented and inclusive language is used that supports skills and competencies.

We adhere to the laws, regulations, rules, and provisions in force regarding occupational safety, health protection, and human rights, and we fully comply with all requirements. In the course of our activities, we take and implement the necessary measures to protect our employees from potential injuries and illnesses and to ensure good working conditions.

Limak International Hotels & Resorts strives to increase local employment at the locations where we operate. Through transparent management practices, we ensure that all employees contribute to the system. By instilling corporate culture in all employees, we promote the creation of employees who believe in teamwork and ensure that employees remain with the group in the long term.

In the recruitment process, priority is given to female applicants when women and men possess the same qualifications. We support the placement of women in key positions at middle and higher management levels, promote the reintegration of female employees after childbirth, and prevent potential career losses. Measures are implemented to represent women in traditionally maledominated professions and industries, as well as to increase the presence of men in traditionally female-dominated professions and industries. Work-life balance is ensured by evenly distributing unpaid housework between women and men and supporting positive approaches such as paternity (the active role and responsibility of fathers in childcare and development).

Taking into account hierarchies and competencies, a competitive and market-oriented compensation system is implemented that is sensitive to equality principles and ensures fair compensation. The principle of equal pay for equal work is pursued to protect all employee rights.

A fair, transparent, inclusive, and equitable performance evaluation system that measures knowledge, experience, commitment, and behavior is applied to ensure that system expenditures form the basis for development and promotion processes. The career paths of all employees are managed based on the principle of development orientation, and it is ensured that employees participate in personal, technical, and professional training programs that meet their development needs. By providing internship programs for students, their professional development is promoted through practical experiences.

A "Zero-Tolerance Policy" against violence, domestic violence, and/or violations of sexual integrity in relationships between employees, between employees and stakeholders, and among stakeholders themselves is introduced and enforced in the workplace. In the event of violations, all sanctions are applied in accordance with the Zero-Tolerance Policy.

By analyzing results from employee satisfaction measures, incentives are created to increase employee motivation and strengthen brand loyalty. The effective implementation of policies and procedures within the framework of work-life balance is of great importance to ensure a balanced relationship between employees' private and professional lives.

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