For purchasing all products and services including food, beverage, technical materials and consumables, we prioritize the suppliers that provide products or services having the following characteristics:
We support all activities required for preventing endangered species and/or the species under protection from being hunted, sold or consumed and comply with all applicable legal legislations.
We make efforts for training and development of both our employees and suppliers concerning sustainable purchasing practises and regularly carry out supplier inspections in order to develop together.
We continuously improve sustainable applications and the relevant results, encourage our suppliers; and support innovative supply activities in the areas of economic, environmental and social sustainability.
With the awareness of Zero Waste, we carefully manage the process of purchasing consumable and sing-use products including foodstuffs in order to reduce the wastes to minimum.
We work with the suppliers that create a fair working environment without harassment and discrimination against their employees, not making discrimination among their employees for language, religion, sect, race, gender, political opinion, philosophical belief and etc.; also the suppliers that give importance to equal opportunities for women and men and prevent forced labour; do not employ child workers and in all these processes, we strictly comply with all applicable laws and regulations in relation to employment and working life.