Salonlar Height m m2 Class Banquet Theatre Cocktail U-Shape Meeting
AspendosI 12,0 1100 1000 1000 1500 1400 - -
AspendosII 3,0 130 90 100 160 150 60 60
AspendosIII 3,0 130 90 100 160 150 60 100
AspendosIV 3,0 130 90 100 160 150 60 80
AspendosV 3,0 150 90 100 160 150 60 80
AspendosVI 3,0 780 600 650 800 800 - -
Myra 3,0 90 50 - 70 - 40 40
Side 3,0 60 30 - 35 70 30 25
Turgut Albayrak 4,5 540 300 400 500 600 - -
Sinema 4,0 100 - - 80 - - -

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